What Is Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing

The SEO Earning is an online marketing agency that specializes in the field of search engine optimization (SEO). We can advise and create the conditions so that you achieve with your website the very important top positions in organic search results of major search engines (Google, Bing, etc.) and also can hold.

We comply with the guidelines of search engines

In order to prevent spam in the search results and provide topic-relevant search results to the major search engines are your policies in recent years have increasingly need to tighten.

If a website owner violated this policy, which has far-reaching consequences for the discovery of its website in the search results to follow, such as the relegation of the search term (keyword) to tens of positions backwards in the search results or even exclusion from the search engine index. Our search engine optimization is clean, i.e. we adhere to the strict guidelines of major search engines to exclude far-reaching sanctions by Google & Co. against the websites of our customers.

Why search engine optimization?

The following important facts from studies, which bring enormous potential visitors with the major search engines and why you give away this potential, if you are found not to be neglected because of your website with search engine optimization among the very first search results: 82% of Internet users regularly use (at least 1x a week) search engines (source: ARD / ZDF Online Study “Utilized online applications, 2009″) 76% of Internet users are using search engines to find a firm intention to buy (GVU study) only the top positions in the search results get attention:

A study of firms Enquiro, Did-it.com and eye tracking firm specializing in Eyetools shows the probability with which the individual Top 10 – positions will be held in the organic search results. Here, the first 3 search results are seen with a probability of 100%, the 10th Search result is now the only one seen with a probability of 20%.

Perception of the first 10 search results as a percentage:

  • First Results: 100%
  • Second Results: 100%
  • Third Results: 100%
  • 4th Results: 85%
  • 5th Results: 60%
  • 6th Results: 50%
  • 7th Results: 50%
  • 8th Results: 30%
  • 9th Results: 30%
  • 10th Results: 20%

The search engine Google has almost 90 percent market share in Germany’s search engine market

Why search engine optimization especially for Google search engine is currently so important and should be a priority, a new study shows the distribution of market shares in the German search engines use (Source: Webtrekk long-term study):

  • Google: 87.18 percent
  • T-Online Search: 3.11 percent (using the Google search!)
  • Bing: 2.12 percent
  • Yandex: 1.18 percent
  • Other: 6.41 percent

Why the Seoearning Ltd. appointed as the search engine optimizer?

Many years of professional experience of our experts for search engine optimization medium-and long-term, stable positioning of your website far ahead in the search results (no restriction on short-term success).

Strict adherence to the guidelines of the current major search engines (Google, Bing, Yandex) Transparency, i.e.,

We explain our approach to our clients search engine optimization Generating qualified, e.g. purchase of interested visitors from search engines to bring the already very interested in your product, your services They stay with us up to date: Our ranking reports and ranking tools, you can always check the current position of your keywords in the search results easily very satisfied customers who are already using our search engine optimization.

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