Commercial revenue pitfalls!
The income you get by advertising on your web pages, commercial revenue – you need to register a business and you have to pay tax on the income, if you do not want to get in trouble with the tax office. You also lose the “private home” status, and by now you have to observe legal requirements such as information requirements.
You should also deal with other legal requirements: for example, advertising must be marked as such and separated from editorial / journalistic content. And you should be aware that a competitor may admonish you in a competition law violations.
In the case of the direct marketing of advertising space, you must also be able to write an invoice in accordance with statutory requirements. Anything you still can not, you can learn – it just takes some time.
Whether the effort is worthwhile depends on advertising revenues. Then again, it is inter alia on the number of page views – if not somewhat high due to previous networking or other means, you should understand something about how to improve, eg the following topics of online marketing: search engine optimization , public relations, media relations (press free portals, print media).
Some website owners get even with Google Adwords or similar fee-based search marketing opportunities visitors to the website, which they offer there products (eg from Amazon or any other commission-based Affiliate Program) – this is only worthwhile if the cost is lower than the revenue.
Familiarize themselves with these topics is fun, but is also very time consuming. In addition, it requires experimentation and a high frustration tolerance, if not the same as the actions bear fruit – and that happens frequently. And also: the competition is not sleeping.
There are also factors over which we have no control: For example, if – if auto-generated commercials – they are not attractive, then no one clicks on it.
One can indeed influence a little by optimizing their web pages or blog articles, for example, Google Search / Google Adsense more precisely on keyphrases or blocks certain Internet addresses, but sometimes the highest bidder or its advertising about not but what appeals to my site visitors and then he / she clicks (not Google Adsense), or click on it, but he does not buy (in case of commission-based sales or self-optimizing impressions).
Whether the effort is worthwhile also depends on the particular affiliate program (mouse click, by Sale-/Lead-Provision) decreases and the amount of compensation.